Sunday, December 21, 2008

Elyd 50 released in the wild

A great step took place today. My boat, the ELYD50 has been released full perms in SL, to I hope, further the advancement of sailing in SL. Available from word of mouth, or maybe somewhere in sailor's cove...



Anonymous said...

Eole, we have not met. My name is Owen Oyen. I know something of yacht design in SL and Manul has given me a copy of yours. I think well enough of it that I shall give it some time to do a check of math accuracy.

Might I ask the mathematical mass of the keel and the mathematical length of the keel's moment arm? And what sail surface area did you use to determine air pressure force that generates heel? This will help me with verifying your math.

Congratulations on a nice piece of work.

Eole Laval said...

Hi Owen. I've heard from you a great deal. Sadly, there is no accuracy, only approximations. I'm a yacht designer, not a software engineer ;) I gather from Manul that you are, so maybe we can get some good things going together. At least I hope so...

As for your question, it all happens on line 206 of the 'sail' script, in the 'physical' boat, not the 'wear' part. The end of the line is what takes care of the attitude modification with keel angle : "llSin(keelAngle)/5"

As you can see, it all depends on the sine of the kel angle from vertical. The 5 is a fudge factor taking into account the weight of the keel as well as the moment arm.

I couldn't figure out which units where used, so gave it up... It is true though that I didn't fully understand the physics of the tako script I was using as a base.

For example, for a bulb weight of 5 tonnes, and a moment arm of 4 metres, which is reasonable for this kind of boat. keel angle 45 degrees, We would get 5*9.81*4*sin(45)=138 kNm righting moment for the keel alone.

Whereas with my fudge factor I get sine(45)/5=.14

Ah, ok I get it NOW!! haha! Could they be using MN and metres? Or Newtons and millimetres?

Anyway, either way works ;)

I hope this is useful, but do not hesitate to contact for more info, I hope that we can can really good boats in SL.

By the way, check I got my inspiration from these kind of boats. Truly impressive methinks.

Anonymous said...

Hello Eole,

Sadly we never met before you became inactive in SL. About 2 months ago I got your boat from Manul Rotaru. I forgot about it then. Since I get so many beta boats for testing, it simply slipped my attention.

When the new WildWind VOJ-70 was released, a beautiful Open 70 racer with canting keel, apparent wind etc, Manul brought my attention back to your Elyd 50.

I rezzed the boat and I was amazed: it was clear thsi boat had been ahead of it's time in 2007 SL, making me wonder why it had been so largely ignored by the public.

I have since talked a bit to Manul about the yacht. As from today, it is now added to XstreetSL marketplace, so it may help people to get acquainted with sailing in SL.

I hope that after all for you this is a satisfying result for the work on this product. And I hope it will help to make people enthousiastic for sailing simulations.

It can be found here:

Liv Leigh said...

Since I added your boat to the XstreetSL marketplace in march, over 4000 Elyd 50's have found an owner. Which must make it one of the more widespread boat models in SL.

I see them rezzed and sailed frequently in the sailing areas and I have the impression that the Elyd 50, while once released as an ocean racing yacht, now does a nice job in getting people interested in sailing in Second Life.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love your Elyd fact, I would say I learned to love SL sailing on thanks for all your efforts and its really great to hear it was made on approximations and fudge factoring...great stuff because you made a dreamboat for sure!